Friday 26 February 2021


 Yesterday me and my friends went to Yellow bridge to pop some manus. Jasper showed us all up, he is the king. We all asked how he is so good but all he said was it's all in the Tuck.

 I went there because I love to swim, swimming is life. without swimming I don't think I would be the same, I feel like it is a part of me doing  manus with the boys gets me hyped up till the point where I need cpr. If i didn't get CPR I would have died right then in the water floating down the water bed the boys wouldn't give me cpr although I needed it. They didn't want to touch my lips. I told their mums to give me CPR otherwise I will eat all the biscuits and tea.

 Me and my mum went home crying. I popped a Fatty and landed on my back, my back feels like it was bleeding I needed that CPR. I'm lucky to still be breathing but never take the odds dial 0 2 7 2 9 3 4 2 6 9 if you ever need CPR after popping fatties. if you don't know how to pop biggies dial 02 7847 9025 and we will teach you how to pop that he's like Jasper the Goat the legend the ladle the spoon the Amazing the Ostrich the prime minister the boss the boss baby the breath giver but if you don't know what any of these mean dial 0 1 2 6 3 5 4 2 0 2 2

Friday 27 November 2020

Stance and jdm cars


Get creative is a time to do a fun task that you think of to work on in the week. I did it about jdm and stance cars. What is your favourite car?

Manaiakalani quote task


In Manaiakalani our task was to find a quote and put it on a picture to post. I chose this one because I like Michael Jordan and cause it is an inspirational quote. What quote would you choose?

Thursday 26 November 2020

Research project


My research project is about Skinks, our task was to research something and put it in our own words. We saw at camp while we were at Curious Cove for our school trip. I enjoyed learning more about them. Did you learn something new? 

Wednesday 25 November 2020

Strategies I love to use


In maths we made a slide to put our favourite strategies and try to teach others them if they didn't know 
did these help you?

Whaea Vicki's advert task

In Manaiakalani with Whaea Vicki we worked on how ads can persuade people into doing or buying something. It was fun and I think I did well. Did mine persuade you? If it didn't, what else would I need to put into it?

Tuesday 22 September 2020



We have been doing a novel study about the story dawn raids. The book is very interesting and action packed. My favourite part was when there was a scrap whats yours?